Objective: Reflections Letter English 112
Reflections Letter
When reflecting on the essays written for English 112 this semester, I have observed, that each subsequent essay showed
an improvement in my writing skills, and thinking processes. My casual argument essay #2, "The Biggest Loser Is The
American Worker" was the most enjoyable, because it invoked the most passion of the three essays assigned. The "Think
Piece" assignment on "Globalization-Importing and Exporting America" contributed, by leading me down the right
path when writing this essay. I strongly believe, in the direct relationship between globalization and its negative effect
on the American worker.The devastating effects on the job market by globalization have become the American worker worse enemy.
Millions of Americans have either lost their jobs, because they were exported overseas, or were replaced by foreigners with
working visas. I agree with Gabor Steingart statement that, "America has a long history of producing a strong working
middle class", which have contributed to our countrys success. The protection of jobs, wages, benefits, and bargaining
power by this middle class American worker is essential, when keeping our country strong enough to compete in todays global
In retrospect, my first visual argument essay, Smiling Is Not Her Habit was the most difficult to write. The photo poster
created by the Centers for Disease Control to prevent teenage cigarette smoking, presented a complex message. At first the
message seemed simple, but when trying to write an 800 word essay I realized a deeper analysis of the CDC's methods would
be required. During this analysis the chapter, "Understanding Visual Arguments" in our text was helpful, along
with the experience working with teens as a school nurse.
Each writing assignment improved my writing skills in several ways. The content of my writing grew significantly due
to the Think Pieces, Point & Counter Point, and essay assignments. In the past, when writing I focused on grammar, structure,
and organization. This course forced me to be a critical thinker and to evaluate, and educate the reader. I learned for
the first time to write a paper in APA format, because other classes required only the MLA format. Upon the completion of
this course, I now have a greater confidence in my writing abilities.
Registered Nurse at Brandon Middle School in VA Beach, VA
US Navy Hospital Corpsman, Physical & Occupational Therapy Assistant, LPN, Pediatric Nurse
Mother of one son, and a Bassett Hound.